Northbound Chiropractic
ChiropractorsHealth & Wellness
M 7 AM - 7 PM
T 7 AM - 4 PM
W 7 AM - 4 PM
R 12 PM - 7 PM
F 7 AM - 1 PM
Or by appointment
Driving Directions:
None - Northbound Chiropractic offers mobile chiropractic and nutrition services, meaning that we come to you!
About Us
We provide mobile chiropractic care and nutrition services to Delano, Maple Plain, and the rest of Wright and West Hennepin Counties. We work to help you reach your health, wellness, and performance g
Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Dr. Nicholas Carlson
Clinic Director, Doctor of Chiropractic
- Phone: (763) 373-9710
- Send an Email
- 1532 Meadow Ln Maple Plain MN 55359